This section will highlight provincial and regional reports related to stroke care. This section will also highlight the available data about stroke care in the province of Ontario.
This section will outline the work of the West GTA Stroke Network operational committees.
Community Reintegration Committee 2019-2020 Executive Summary
Provincial Integrated Working Group Reports (PIWPs)
West GTA Stroke members have the opportunity to participate in various working groups that look at different stroke topics from a provincial perspective. The intent of these working groups is to 1) streamline provincial planning and project development; 2) maximize access to and use of expertise; 3) make effective use of available resources (e.g. people, funding); 4) strengthen relationships; 5) recognize existing and emerging priorities; and 6) inform and support the annual development of the provincial CorHealth work plan. The completed PIWPs include Early Supported Discharge (ESD), A Navigation Model to Support Persons with Stroke Transitioning to the Community, the Stroke Unit Toolkit, Rehab Intensity and the Provincial Interprofessional Stroke Core Competency Framework are some examples of provincial work that has been completed to date.
This report focuses on stroke survivors admitted to complex continuing care and long-term care facilities in Ontario between 2010 and 2015. The report describes stroke survivors’ health status and trajectories of care, and evaluates the nature and extent of rehabilitation therapy and other stroke best practices available in the two types of facilities.
Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2016: A Focus on Stroke Rehabilitation
This report documents improvements made in stroke rehabilitative care in Ontario from 2011/12 to 2014/15. It presents detailed information on stroke survivor outcomes and implementation of best practices in rehabilitation at multiple levels of analysis. The report also includes recommendations for improving the province’s stroke rehabilitation care system.
Community Stroke Rehabilitation Models in Ontario 2016
This project aims to amalgamate the knowledge learned from the development and success of current specialized, home-based stroke rehabilitation programs in the province of Ontario. By chronicling the development of these programs, and providing complete descriptions of structures, elements, and details of program progression and evolution, we will be better able to paint a comprehensive picture of community-based stroke care within the province.
2018/2019 Stroke Care in Ontario Infographic
The annual Stroke Report acts as a foundation for knowledge exchange and quality improvement at a system and organizational level. CorHealth Ontario will continue to collaborate with Ontario’s 11 Regional Stroke Networks to align operating plans, knowledge translation approaches and implementation strategies to continue to advance best practice stroke care across the province.
Since 2011, annual stroke report cards and progress reports have informed system improvements, facilitated consistent planning across the province, and been a key resource for Ontario’s 11 regional stroke networks. Prior to this tenth stroke report, ICES, working with the Ontario Stroke Network (now CorHealth Ontario (CorHealth)), produced and disseminated the annual Stroke Report Cards and Progress Reports. CorHealth’s June 2018 Information and Digital Strategy set in motion a transfer of responsibility for the analytics to CorHealth. This transfer was intended to enhance internal expertise and technical understanding of the information for which CorHealth is responsible, and CorHealth’s capacity to support the information needs of cardiac, stroke and vascular health system stakeholders.